Join The Change Agents Facebook Group

It’s a private group but all are welcome, so if you’re not a member, request to join, we’ll happily grant the request and look forward to your participation. Just click the facebook icon (f) at the top of this page to the left of the “Take Action” button.


Take The Change Agents Challenge

The Change Agents Challenge is a way to track your progress in making changes that fight global warming. The more points you accumulate, the bigger your positive impact. This will be a work in progress for all of us, but you can challenge yourself and others to rack up points and make a difference.

The list and points will be updated based on feedback received, so check back often. We encourage you to post pictures and tell us stories of what you’re doing to earn points by posting in The Change Agents Facebook group (

The Challenge relies on truthful self-reporting, which you can post on The Change Agents Facebook group or submit through the “Contact Us” tab at the top of this page. Feel free to challenge others to meet or beat your accomplishments. Also, let us know your scores so you may receive your rewards!

Have fun with the Challenge - look below and here we go!


Levels of Accomplishment and Rewards (beyond the satisfaction of helping in the climate fight)

 Change Legend           50 or more total points       Featured on The Change Agents Interviews  platform

Change Champion    40 - 49 total points               Signed copy of “The Change Agents: Whispers in the Wind,” once published , as my gift to you

Change Icon                30 - 39 total points                 Personal thank you

Change Leader            20 - 29 total points                 Change Agents lapel pin

Change Maker            10 - 19 total points                 Recognition in the Change Agents Facebook group and website blog


1 point each

Home/tower garden

Reuse and then recycle materials

Compost your compostable waste

Use LED lightbulbs

Use recycled or sustainable products

Use reusable lunch boxes/bags, beeswax wrap, cloth napkins and sandwich tins

Consume locally produced, seasonal food and other products

Air dry clothes instead of using clothes dryer

Turn thermostat down in winter and up in summer, particularly when no one’s home

Unplug or turn lights and energy consuming appliances off when not needed

Refill drink containers and/or drink less from single use beverage receptacles

Select a renewable energy provider for your power source

Donate to organizations fighting to address climate change

 2 points each

Install/use LEED certified/draft proof doors

Install/use high performance windows

Install/use drought tolerant landscaping instead of grass

Install/use energy efficient appliances

Install/use energy efficient HVAC system

Install/use energy-saving smart thermostat

Carpool, bicycle or walk whenever practical

Install/use low flow toilets and shower heads

Install/use energy efficient insulation

Install/use an energy efficient or “cool” roof

Install/use a rainwater storage system

Use public transportation

Wear previously owned clothes, shoes and accessories

Use previously owned furniture, furnishings and other household items

Use previously owned vehicles

Repair rather than replace items that break

Encourage politicians to enact climate friendly legislation and vote for those who are taking active roles against climate change

 3 points each

Home fowl or other animals for egg, dairy and/or meat

Drive a hybrid vehicle

Be active in an organization(s) fighting to address climate change

Invest in climate friendly companies

 4 points each

Drive an electric vehicle

Install a solar and/or battery storage system at your home or business         

5 points each  

Live in a smart home interconnected with solar, storage, electric vehicle and energy efficient HVAC